Telecommunication Department

Telecommunications provides services to all County offices and departments. These services include maintaining and programming a private switch network of ten Northern Telecom telephone switches, maintaining and programming over 2,000 telephones on the network, producing monthly telephone bills for all County offices and departments on the network, installing and maintaining all voice and data cabling for County Government, maintaining the County’s voice mail system, maintaining all other County telephone systems which are not on the network, maintaining all Department of Education (including schools) telephone systems, and providing technical assistance to all County offices and departments. This department is responsible for the design of communication infrastructure on all construction and renovation projects and coordination with architects and contractors.

The Telecommunications Department mission is to provide telecommunication services to County Government in the most cost effective and efficient manner while maintaining a high quality and dependable system.

Address & Contact Information

Google MapsMap to the Telecommunications Department

Address: 6125 Preservation Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Except for these holidays

Phone number: 423-209-6223 and FAX number: 423-209-6224

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