Daily Dockets

The dockets available at this website are for informational purposes only. Additions and modifications will be reflected only on the original dockets and not on the web. For search capabilities, you can use your browser's Find feature to look for specific attorneys or cases.

These lists are for the weekly cases of each division. They are updated each Friday:

Division 1 Weekly Dockets (PDF)
Division 2 Weekly Dockets (PDF)
Division 3 Weekly Dockets (PDF)
Division 4 Weekly Dockets (PDF)

Motion Dockets

The motion dockets available on this website are for informational purposes only. Additions and modifications will be reflected only on the original dockets and not on the web. For search capabilities, use your browser's Find feature to look for specific attorneys or cases

These lists are for the weekly motions of each division. They are updated each Friday:

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Division 1 Weekly Motion Dockets (PDF)
On June 8, 2023, The Supreme Court of Tennessee rescinded all remaining COVID-19 related orders. Beginning June 26, 2023, the Monday motion call and hearings will be in-person only, unless the court has specifically granted permission for remote appearance.
WebEx Room Number: 1336019995
Division 2 Weekly Motion Dockets (PDF)
Starting December 5, 2022, Division II will return to a fully in-person Monday Motion Docket Call. Parties are welcome to contact the Court to specially set any matters that they believe require or would benefit from utilizing WebEx.
WebEx Room Number: 24625665014
Division 3 Weekly Motion Dockets (PDF)
WebEx Room Number: 806211258
Division 4 Weekly Motion Dockets (PDF)
Beginning Monday, November 28, 2022, Monday Motion Call will return to in-person only. Express permission must be obtained from Judge Hedrick for any other arrangement.
WebEx Room Number: 1337038497

Procedural Steps List

The Procedural Steps List contains all pending cases where no action has been taken for 270 days. This list is posted 30 days prior to the date of dismissal. Additions and modifications will be reflected only on the original dockets and not on the web.

The Procedural Steps List will be dismissed on the 3rd Monday in February, June and October. The Procedural Steps List is Scheduled For Dismissal: February 18, 2025

Larry L Henry

Circuit Court Clerk

Contact Me

Circuit Court (Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Except for these holidays)

Address: 500 Courthouse, 625 Georgia Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37402.
Phone Number: 423-209-6700 and FAX Number: 423-209-6701

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