Veteran Services Office
The mission of the Veterans Services Office is to assist Veterans and their dependents in filing applications for:
- Service Connected Disability Compensation
- Improved Pension Program with Housebound/Aid and Attendance
- Health Benefits Enrollment
- Burial Benefits, Flags, Headstones, Markers and Military Honors
Order Replacement Copies of Discharge Papers, Military Records and Service Medical Records
- GI Bill, Vocational Rehabilitation and Dependents Educational Assistance
- VA Insurance Programs
- File Notice of Disagreements and Appeals for Denied Claims
Download List of Veteran Service Offices
Click here for a checklist of items needed for your claim
Hamilton County’s VSO, Chuck Alsobrook, is an accredited representative of four nationally recognized veterans organizations, including:
- Tennessee Dept. of Veterans Service
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- American Ex-prisoners of War
- The Retired Enlisted Association
You can also download our brochure for additional information