Frequently Asked Questions: Circuit Court


Question: Can I file a case without an attorney?
Answer: Yes. This office cannot give you any legal advice. This office does not have any forms.

Question: Can I change attorneys?
Answer: Yes, but you need to discuss this with your current attorney.

Question: Can the court recommend an attorney for my case?
Answer: No. You may call the lawyer Referral Service at (423) 266-5950.

Question: How can an attorney issue a garnishment without notice?
Answer: Garnishments are issued only if a judgment has been entered.

Contact Information & Directions

Question: Where do I call for case information?
Answer: (423) 209-6700

Question: Who do I call concerning jury duty in Hamilton County?
Answer: Call the phone number listed on your jury summons, NOT the judge's name that appears on the summons.

Question: What is the phone number and FAX number for the Circuit Court?
Answer: Phone: (423) 209-6700, Fax: (423) 209-6701

Question: Where is the Circuit Court Clerk located?
Answer: On the fifth floor of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Courthouse is located between 6th & 7th Streets and Walnut and Georgia Avenue.

Question: What is the mailing address:
Answer: Circuit Court Clerk 500 Hamilton County Courthouse 625 Georgia Avenue Chattanooga,Tennessee 37402-1911


Question: How are the cases assigned to a Judge?
Answer: Cases are randomly assigned each Thursday at the close of business.

Question: Can I talk to a Judge about my case?
Answer: No. Judges do not speak with individuals concerning matters they will have to rule on.

Question: What is the difference between a restraining order and an order of protection?
Answer: A restraining order is obtained by an attorney filing a petition. An order of protection can be obtained without an attorney – further information may be obtained from the Circuit Court by calling 423-209-6700.

Question: How can I get a marriage annulled?
Answer: Any legal information regarding grounds for annulment or divorce will have to be answered by an attorney.

Question: Can I access case information from the Internet?
Answer:Not at this time

Costs & Money

Circuit Court Costs

Question: What is the charge for filing a suit?
Answer: Click the button above

Question: What is the charge to file a divorce?
Answer: The cost depends on several factors including whether you have children, whether a restraining order is required, and where you will have the divorce published.

Question: Why did I receive a statement for court costs when I have never been to Court?
Answer: Court costs are determined by the pleadings filed in the Circuit Court – not an appearance in the Courtroom. The Judge assesses all costs.

Question: Why didn’t my attorney pay the court costs?
Answer: Court costs are taxed to the parties, not attorneys

Question: Where do I go to collect rent or for an eviction? (detainer)
Answer: General Sessions Court – Civil Division (423) 209-7630.

Question: What is the cost of an order of protection?
Answer: The costs are taxed at the conclusion of the case.

Question: How much are copies?
Answer: Copies are $0.50 per page. Certified Copies are $5.00 plus $0.50 per page.

Order of Protection Form

Order of Protection Tennessee Code Annotated 36-3-604(b) forms are available here at the Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts Website.(Forms are provided in Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Arabic, Somali, and English)

What is the difference between a restraining order and an order of protection?

A restraining order is obtained by an attorney filing a petition. An order of protection can be obtained without an attorney – further information may be obtained from the Circuit Court by calling 423-209-6700.

Larry L. Henry

Contact Me

Circuit Court (Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Except for these holidays)

Address: 500 Courthouse, 625 Georgia Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37402.

Phone Number: 423-209-6700 and FAX Number: 423-209-6701

Larry Henry serves as Clerk for both the Circuit Court and Sessions Civil Court. The Clerk handles all documents relating to lawsuits (such as petitions, summons, warrants, subpoenas). He also manages the collection, receipt, and accounting of all litigation taxes, child support payments, court costs, and other fines. The Clerk maintains jury data and handles juror assignment for the Circuit court, Criminal court and Chancery court.

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