Procurement And Fleet Management Department

Thank you for your interest in conducting business with Hamilton County. Hamilton County maintains a registry of vendors and suppliers who have expressed interest in doing business with the County. Hamilton County’s registration and notification system is powered by Vendor Registry. This system will allow you to quickly register and update details such as your contact information and identifying the products and services you provide. This will enable the County and Vendor Registry to notify you of any future solicitation opportunities.

Vendor Registration

If you would like to add your business to the County’s registry, please complete the registration process by clicking the link below. However, registering as a vendor or supplier is NOT a requirement for doing business with Hamilton County. If you have any questions about the new vendor registration process, please contact our offices at 423-209-6350. We thank you for your interest in doing business with Hamilton County.

Register as a Vendor

Vendor Resources

As mentioned earlier, registering as a vendor is not a requirement to doing business with Hamilton County. You can browse current solicitations now regardless of whether you are registered with Hamilton County or not.

Check out Current Solicitations

Vendor Guidelines

Our standards for vendors and suppliers are available to the public: General Terms & Bid Conditions. You may also view the rules we at the Procurement and Fleet Management Department abide by: Procurement Rules

Address & Contact Information

Google MapsMap to Procurement and Fleet Management Department

Address: 455 North Highland Park Avenue, McDaniel Building Chattanooga, TN 37404

Hours of Operation: 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Except for these holidays

Phone number: 423-209-6350 and FAX number: 423-209-6351

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