Judge Philyaw is a former Adjunct Professor at the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at The University of Memphis and is often a guest lecturer at several local colleges and universities, and speaks often at schools, churches, community meetings, and pretty much anywhere he’s invited to talk about Juvenile Court or ways to make the lives of children better.
During his tenure as Hamilton County Juvenile Court Judge, Rob Philyaw has implemented special programs to assist families, facilitate equal access to justice as well as connecting at-risk juveniles to community based services. Some of those programs are the Child Support Clinics, Mediation Referral Program, ShoCap, Truancy Task Force, Youth Court and Recovery Court.]]>
With seven full-time courtrooms, Hamilton County Juvenile Court hears cases involving the Department of Children’s Services and several other categories of cases. With some operations requiring around the clock personnel, the Court employs almost 100 dedicated professionals and relies heavily on volunteers and support agencies who work to make the lives of children in Hamilton County better.