Hamilton County Policies

The following links cover Hamilton County's employment policies, financial policies, and digital/website policies.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policies

Hamilton County strives to provide all individuals equal access to programs, services, and activities.

Notice of ADA (PDF)
ADA Grievance Procedure (PDF)
ADA Transition Plan (PDF)

Digital and Web Policies

Hamilton County strives to provide clean information and easy to use resources. Report any issues to the County Webmaster.

Privacy Policy
Web Accessibility Policy
Social Media Policy (PDF)
Linking Policy (PDF)

Financial Policies

Hamilton County aims to manage debt and assets wisely and efficiently in order to decrease costs to tax payers.

Financial Management Policies (PDF)
Debt Management Policy (PDF)
Fixed Asset Policy (PDF)

Equal Employment Opportunity

Learn more about Equal Employment Opportunity

Title VI Department

Learn more about Title VI

Hamilton County Open Records Policies and Requests

The Tennessee Public Records Act (TPRA) grants Tennessee citizens an enforceable right to access open public records that exist at the time of the request. However, it is the policy of Hamilton County, Tennessee, General Government to extend such open public records access to all members of the public, regardless of residency. The TPRA does not require Records Custodians or the Public Records Request Coordinator to compile information or create or recreate records that do not exist. Certain information is not public, which may require that the requested records be redacted prior to being provided.

Public Records Request Form (PDF)

General Public Records Policy (PDF) Human Resources Public Records Policy (PDF) Register's Office Public Records Policy (PDF) EMS Public Records Policy (PDF) County Clerk Public Records Policy (PDF) Assessor's Office Public Records Policy (PDF)
EMS Release of Health Information (PDF) EMS Release of Health Information - Spanish (PDF)

Website Disclaimer and Linking Policy

Hamilton County strives to maintain this website, the information and the tools on it in good working order for the convenience of all users. Every effort is made to keep all elements of this website accurate, up-to-date, reliable, proper and complete. This website, the information and the tools presented are subject to alteration and change as needs dictate and without notice. This website and all its elements are provided on an “as is” basis. Reliance upon these elements is taken at the user’s own risk. The providing of this website and its contents does not constitute or imply a warranty as to any claims or damages resulting from the use of this website. Mentioning of any products, vendors, or services is for informational use only and in no way implies an endorsement by Hamilton County. Any errors or failings of this website brought to the attention of the Webmaster will result in an effort to correct it.

Website Accessibility Statement

While Hamilton County is committed to making this website accessible to all users we recognize that there maybe pages not yet prepared. Our goal is to have the majority of pages on this website are accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Please let us know if you have accessibility problems.

Information for Users with Visual Disabilities

Every effort was made to have the images on our website accompanied by alternative text describing graphics if your browser supports the alt-text function. Documents on our website are presented in many formats. These formats are generally accessible to users using screen reading software. Some files are posted as Adobe Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) files. Users with visual disabilities can find free software from Adobe which will make reading PDF files easier.If you are unable to access any portion of this site please contact the Webmaster

Note: The following links will open to another government website or government-affiliated page in a new tab.