About Title VI
Hamilton County Government is committed to providing equal opportunity in all programs and services to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination against participants or clients of County programs and/or services on the basis of race, color or national origin.
The purpose of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is to prohibit programs which receive federal funds from discriminating against participants or clients on the basis of race, color or national origin. The intent of the law is to ensure that all persons, regardless of their race, color or national origin, are allowed to participate in these federally funded programs.
To ensure that Hamilton County meets its compliance responsibility, procedures have been established to provide for comprehensive monitoring of Title VI compliance activities and complaint processing in all operations and programs, directly or indirectly responsible to Hamilton County, all of which receive federal or state funding in whole or in part.
Prohibited practices include but are not limited to: Denying a person any service, financial aid, or other benefits because of race, color, or national origin. Providing a different service or benefit, or providing these in a different manner from those provided to others in the program. Requiring different standards or conditions as prerequisites for serving individuals. Locating facilities in any way that would limit or impede access to a federally funded service or benefit. Failing to make allowances for language or educational difficulties.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer is responsible for the overall administration, coordination, operation and implementation of the Title VI program in all County agencies and with its sub-recipients.
Any person(s) or organization(s) believing they have been a victim of discrimination based on race, color, or national origin may file a complaint with the agency in question, or with the Hamilton County Title VI Director/Equal Employment Opportunity Office.