Highway Department

The Highway Department’s main function is to maintain 880 miles of surface treatment, hot mix paved roads, and bridges to ensure the safety of the traveling public. They also maintain the County's government vehicles and manage the Traffic Shop and Stockroom.

Some specific tasks include: maintaining county roadways and right-of-ways (i.e. mowing, ditching, and paving), removing ice and snow from roadways during emergency conditions, removing fallen trees and dead animals from roadways, installing and maintaining all traffic control devices (including street signs), maintaining and applying stripes to county roads, maintaining county vehicles for all departments, providing wrecker service for immobilized county vehicles, and repairing damaged county vehicles (i.e. body work, etc.)

Utility Application / Road Cut Permit (Online Form) Driveway Tile Information ROW Restoration Work Sidewalk and Curb Ramp Regulations

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Who do I contact regarding city road repairs?
Answer: Chattanooga Public Works.
Call 311

Question: Who do I contact regarding interstate XX and state road repairs?
Answer: TDOT Chattanooga Region Office. Call (423) 892-3430

Question: Who do I contact regarding county road repairs?
Answer: The Highway Department.
Call (423) 209-5050

Question: Where can I see current conditions on Tennessee Interstates?
Answer: Tennessee Department Of Transportation (TDOT) map

Question: Where can I find information on driver's licenses?
Answer: County Clerk Office: Driver Services

Address & Contact Information

Google MapsMap to Highway Department

Address: 4005 Cromwell Road Chattanooga, TN 37421

Hours of Operation: Monday to Thursday 7:00 A.m. to 5:00 P.M.
Except for these holidays

Phone number: 423-209-5050 and FAX number: 423-209-5051

Email Highway Department

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