Petit Jury Duty Information

Online registration is optional and not mandatory. You may register by opening the link below. You will need your summons number available for the registration process.

Register online (optional)

Requests to postpone should be submitted no later than 10 days prior to your scheduled date of service. You must choose a 2 or 3 week prescheduled term from the calendar link below. Upon receipt of your request to postpone, a letter of confirmation will be mailed to you.

Postpone Jury Duty (Online Form)

Juror qualifications

Minimum eligibility

A person is only eligible for jury service if they meet the following criteria:

  1. Is a citizen of the United States
  2. Is 18 years of age or older
  3. Your primary residence has been in Hamilton County, TN for the past 12 months
  4. Is not a Convicted Felon
  5. Is not currently an active member of The United States Armed Forces
  6. Has not served on a Federal or State Jury in the past 24 months

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, please confirm by circling YES or NO on the Juror Qualification Questionnaire (postcard), the Yellow Summons, and/or completing and submitting a Jury Service Affidavit.

Jury Service Affidavit
Qualification Questionnaire Sample (PDF)

Criteria for Excuse

Prospective Jurors will only be excused if serving will cause an “UNDUE OR EXTREME PHYSICAL OR FINANCIAL HARDSHIP”. Such a hardship may be present if the juror has a mental or physical condition which causes the juror to be incapable of performing jury service, or if the juror would:

  • Be required to abandon a person under such juror’s personal care or supervision due to the impossibility of obtaining an appropriate substitute caregiver during the period of participation in the jury service.
  • Incur costs that would have a substantial adverse impact on the payment of the juror’s necessary daily living expenses or on those for whom such juror provides the principle means of support.
  • Suffer physical hardship that would result in illness or disease; or
  • Be deprived of compensation due to out-of-state employment and employer is not required to compensate jurors and declines to do so voluntarily.

    How to be excused from Jury Duty

    Submit your request no later than 10 days prior to your date of service. Fill out a jury service affidavit form (PDF) and send the proper documentation to the jury clerk. All documentation should include your summons number and phone number. Choose one of the delivery options below:

    • Email Address: (this is most expedited form of communication)
    • Fax Number: (423) 209-6701
    • Mailing address: Jury Clerk, 625 Georgia Ave. – 5th Floor, Chattanooga, TN 37402

    Acceptable Forms of Documentation to be Excused in each Scenario

    • Physical disabilities: Doctors must fax excuses to (423) 209-6701
    • Full-time college students: submit a copy of your student I.D. or their class schedule issued by the school
    • Non-Residents: submit documentation that includes your name and new address (Example – Driver’s License, Power Bill or Lease Agreement)
    • Extreme Financial Hardship: Complete a "Jury Service Affidavit" (This does not apply solely based on a juror being required to be absent from their employment)
    • Dependency / Guardianship / Primary Caretaker: Complete a "Jury Service Affidavit"

    Failure to provide satisfactory documentation in a timely manner (at least 10 days before the juror is scheduled) may result in a denial of the request to be excused. Any information faxed must include your summons number for proper identification. For jurors, documentation must be provided no later than the day before a juror is scheduled. You may fax such documentation and summons to 423-209-6701.

    Jury Service Affidavit

    Age Exemption

    A person who is seventy-five (75) years of age or older is excused from jury Service upon showing that the person is seventy-five (75) years of age or older and that the person is incapable of performing jury service because of a mental or physical Condition. The Jury Clerk of the county shall excuse the person from jury service Upon receiving a written declaration stating the person's name and date of birth, and Declaring the mental or physical condition that causes the person to be incapable of Performing jury service. The declaration may be completed by the person or the person's Personal representative. This bill does not prevent a person seventy-five (75) years of age or older from participating in jury service.

    Please click the box below to access and email the age declaration to the Jury Clerk. Upon receipt of your completed declaration, the Jury Clerk will email and mail a letter of confirmation that you are excused from jury service.

    Age Declaration

    If you prefer to access the age declaration through mail, contact the Jury Clerk (423) 209-6726.

    You may read Tennessee House Bill 1303 for jury service age exemption here: Age Exemption Bill


    Selected jurors are paid $25.00 for each day they are present for service, including orientation day. A check will be mailed to you upon completion of the 2 week or 3 week term of service.

    Please advise the Jury Clerk if you would prefer to donate your jury compensation to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (will open in a new tab).

    Employment Policy

    No employer shall discharge or in any manner discriminate against an employee for serving on jury duty.

    If an employee is working a night shift or is working during hours preceding those in which court is normally held, such employee shall also be excused from employment for the shift immediately preceding the employee’s first day of service. After the first day of service, if the employee is serving more than three hours during a day, shall be excused from the employee’s next scheduled work period occurring within twenty-four hours of such day of jury service.

    If an employer employs less than five people on a regular basis or if the juror has been employed by an employer on a temporary basis for less than six months, the employer is not required to compensate the juror during the period of jury service. All other Tennessee employers must provide a juror’s usual compensation for the time the juror actually spends serving and traveling to and from jury duty. An employer has the discretion to deduct the amount of compensation the juror receives from the court. You may request a certificate of attendance when you report for jury duty, if your employer requires such a certificate. If your employer would like specific times you must provide a time sheet to the Jury Clerk.

    You can read Tennessee Code Annotated 22-4-106 to learn more about your employment rights during jury duty.

    How does jury selection work?

    You will arrive on the date and time printed on your summons. A clerk will be posted in the Jury Assembly Room to greet you and process your information. Mr. Larry L. Henry, your Circuit Court Clerk, will administer the orientation to provide all the information you need to successfully complete jury service. The Presiding Judge will be present to oversee the selection process. The Jury Clerk will randomly call names to be the official jurors during the 2 or 3 week term. If your name is not called, you will be excused and are not eligible to serve again for 24 months.

    If there are scheduled trials to begin that day, you will be sent to the assigned courtroom. Please be prepared to possibly be there the whole day. The Judge presiding over the trial will tell you about the case and administer the oath, in which you promise to truthfully answer all questions asked of you by the court and attorneys. You may request the court to accommodate for you to privately answer any questions you find personal or uncomfortable. Remember: Questions are not intended to embarrass you. They are to ensure jurors have no opinions or past experiences which might prevent them from making an impartial decision.

    How long is jury duty service?

    Your service obligation will last either two weeks or three weeks. You may check the calendar to confirm the length of your service date.


    Going to Court


    Free parking is available each day you are asked to report. Free parking is only available in the Courts Parking Garage, which can be accessed from the Walnut Street and Cherry Street entrances. You will be responsible for parking fees in all other locations. The Courts Parking Garage generally becomes full around 8:30 A.M. each day. Please bring your parking ticket you receive when you enter the garage with you for validation. We will validate one time per day.

    Map (PDF Format)

    Courthouse Security

    You will go through a metal detector in the Courthouse where you will be asked to remove all items from your pockets, and your waist belt. To expedite the screening process we ask that you limit the items you bring with you.
    The following items are not allowed:

    • Sharp metal objects (e.g. pocket knives, nail clippers, tools, etc.)
    • Outside food or beverages - (The Courts Building has vending machines)

    What can I bring with me?

    You are welcome to bring a book, magazine, notebook, cellphone, and a laptop with you


    What should I wear?

    You may dress comfortably as long as it's appropriate in the Courthouse.The judge will determine whether juror's attire is appropriate, but here are some guidelines: jurors should not wear shorts, short skirts, sagging pants, see-through or suggestive clothing, visible undergarments (including undershirts and tank tops), flip flops, house shoes, bandanas, headbands, hats, caps, or clothing with inappropriate or offensive advertisements or slogans. We recommend you bring a sweater or jacket because of the fluctuating temperatures in the courtroom.

    Are my children allowed to come?

    Children are not allowed to come to jury duty with you since there is no child care available at the courthouse. If there is an emergency or if your family needs to reach you, they may call 423-209-6711.

    Can I go home after court each day if I'm assigned to a case?

    In most cases you will be able to go home the week of a case. In extremely rare cases, however, you may be “sequestered” during the trial or during jury deliberations. This is done to assure that the jurors don’t hear or see something about the case that wasn’t mentioned in court.

    Other Policies

    What if the weather is bad?

    In the event of inclement weather, please call 423-209-6737 for a recording of court status. If you are unable to call, the radio or television will list Hamilton County Courts as “Closed” or “Delayed”. Follow these instructions.

    What happens if I’m late?

    As the trial cannot proceed until all jurors are present, it is important that you are on time. If you are unavoidably delayed, please call the court immediately.

    What if I don't come to jury duty?

    If a person who has been summoned but not excused or discharged fails to appear for service or otherwise respond as directed, a show cause order will be issued and the Sheriff will serve you in person.

    Contact Information

    Do you need assistance or have questions for the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), please call (423) 209-6120

    Email is the most expedited method of communication!

    Jury Clerk: Margo McConnell


    Phone number: (423) 209-6726
    Fax number: (423) 209-6701

    Circuit Court Clerk: Larry L. Henry

    Email Circuit Court Clerk

    Circuit Court (Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Except for these holidays)

    Address: Jury Assembly Room 305, Third Floor Hamilton County - City Courts Building 600 Market Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402.

    Phone Number: 423-209-6700 and FAX Number: 423-209-6701

    Note: The following links will open to another government website or government-affiliated page in a new tab.