Finance Division


Accounting Department

The Accounting Department records and summarizes all of Hamilton County Government offices business and financial transactions.
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports are available on this page.

Department of Financial Management

The Department of Financial Management is responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring a financial plan as well as spearheading the budget process for County Government.

The Comprehensive Annual Budget Reports are available on this page.

Procurement and Fleet Management Department

The Procurement Department researches and secures the best available services for Hamilton County Government offices.
Vendor registration and current bids are available on this page.

Information Technology (IT) Department

The Information Technology (IT) Department provides technical support to county government offices. This includes services provided by those offices.

Geospatial Technology

Geospatial Technology provides support to users of Geospatial Technology data. There are several maps publicly available around certain themes or regions.

Telecommunications Department

The Telecommunications Department builds and maintains the communication infrastructure for county government offices and departments in coordination with contractors and other offices.

Records Management Department

The Records Management Department provides microfilm and scanning services to county government departments. They maintain the centralized storage area and provide technical assistance.

About the Finance Division

The Finance Administrator is responsible for managing all of the County’s financial affairs. He provides financial information and advice to the County Mayor, County Commission, and Directors and Administrators. He strives to provide support to County management for making financial decisions necessary to properly manage the County’s resources.

The Finance Administrator supervises the directors of the seven departments within the Finance Division: Accounting (Accounts Payable, Ambulance Billing, Payroll), Financial Management, Procurement and Fleet Management, Information Technology Services, Geospatial Technology, Telecommunications, and Records Management. These departments provide budget and accounting services, financial reporting, investment management and debt financing, as well as computer and mapping services to Hamilton County Government.

This office is responsible for developing and controlling the County’s budget (See the Financial Management Department for recent budgets); manages the County’s investment portfolio; and serves as the technical expert on bond issues.


  • Maintain the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. Submit to GFOA the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the Comprehensive Annual Budget Report for review and evaluation.
  • Prepare the County’s budget.
  • Maintain a healthy general fund balance by practicing conservative financial management and assess all available resources to meet operating budget and capital requirements.
  • Take advantage of investment opportunities that will increase the County’s assets.
  • Maintain or upgrade the County’s bond rating.

Address & Contact Information

Google MapsMap to McDaniel Building

Address: 455 North Highland Park Avenue, McDaniel Building Chattanooga, TN 37404

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Except for these holidays

Phone number: 423-209-6300 and FAX number: 423-209-6301

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